

Number numbness, part 2

Our story begins with a number being bandied around. 1,800,000 to be precise. That being the reported cost in pounds sterling, of London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks. [Update Jan 2012: this post was written after New Year’s Eve 2010; the cost a year later of these breathtaking fireworks was–perhaps remarkably–only £100k higher.]

It certainly is a big number.

And when I see big numbers, particularly those getting a lot of bandying, one word tends to come immediately to mind:


I know—boring old analysis again. We’ve been here before. That fortune the BBC were spending on taxis. Well, perhaps not, set in the context of what they actually, you know, do?

Much easier to say: cor that’s a shed load of cash; shouldn’t have spent it in a time of austerity; looks terrible; could have given it all to charity, people are going to let off their own, anyway, aren’t they? (Don’t assume that I don’t agree with these sentiments, mind you. But this is a post about what might lie behind the number…)

What ran through my head were the usual dull questions: so, that £1.8m: what’s that the cost for, exactly? Just the physical fireworks themselves? Probably not. What about the labour to set them off, and the safety checks? And what about planning, permissions, policing? And clean-up and fire cover and first-aid provision?

There’s a lot involved. And crucially, were the fireworks not to have been fired, what would be the actual cash saving to be realised as a result? Probably somewhere south of £1.8m, I’d say. Costs aren’t as neatly packaged up as all that in real life—there’ll be commitments and interdependencies that will bring that number down.

So having had a bit of a think about the composition of costs, I might then think about comparison. Yes, I know it’s a lot of willy-waving between ‘global’ cities trying to look all impressive on each others’ news channels, but if Sydney, NYC, Paris etc. had spent, say, £3m each, would our reaction be any different? Maybe, maybe not. But it gives a sense of scaling. (I loved this comment in response to my request for a rational basis by which one might judge how much should have been spent.)

And in terms of other context, what about other big lumps of money associated with New Year’s Eve in London? Policing generally? Transport costs (other than Wonga’s wedge)? Stewarding? First-aid? Clean-up? If the £1.8m were considered as a proportion of the whole picture of London’s NYE activity, would that make a difference?

What of the direct beneficiaries of that £1.8m?—that’s a fair chunk of business for someone. I know it’s the last refuge of the unreconstructed Keynesian scoundrel to bleat on apologetically about trickle-down multiplier [durrr, my bad] effects, but could that make a difference to your view? We naturally assume that nearly two million has been spanked away out of the country on Chinese gunpowder and cardboard, but what if all the pyrotechnics had been hand-assembled in a big social enterprise thingy by East End orphans? Would that sway us?

Would it buggery. Because none of the above, interesting though they might be in theory, have any real connection to the popular reaction. It’s all about the symbolism. Only the sight of Boris himself standing on a barge in the middle of the Thames setting fire to a pile of fifties with a blowtorch could be stronger. It’s fun, it’s frivolous, it’s WASTE.

I suggest that trying to pare the costs down wouldn’t have been much use either. Apart from the tedious fact that full-on Big City celebratory fireworks actually do cost a ton of money, there’s a whole load of data we don’t have about which costs were fixed and which variable. “Well, open all that data up too” I hear you shout—sure, and that might help with some of the analysis, but it won’t change the public reaction.

No, only a complete absence of fireworks would serve to sway that. And then we’d have the screaming headlines “They’ve BANNED New Year’s Eve” and “London falls dark—a miserable, depressed city shuffles towards 2012 (and don’t even think about investing or doing business here—we’re shut)”. “OLYMPICS??—they can’t even organise a fireworks display!”

Not easy, really, is it? And this is what happens when you get a Big Number being bandied. As more spending data is opened up, I hope, I really do, that we develop other skills—the ability to analyse in context, to compare, to understand downstream effects and dependencies—in balance. But I worry that the temptation to focus on cheese budgets and, of course, fireworks, may grab all the attention.

And then, as I commented to Francis Maude and the Transparency Board last month, we end up aware only of costs, and not of value. And Oscar Wilde knew what that would turn us into.

Category: Other

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5 Responses

  1. Loudmouthman says:

    the thing is , in the scale of running a city 1.8 million is like saying £20 to a smallbusiness. The numbers seem BIG but on the scale of stuff that happens in the city or about a city then 1.8million looks like pocket change compared to revenues gathered in parking fees around the capital.

    And the fireworks were not watched by London alone, they were broadcast ( which means fees were paid for access to space and management of that space ) . Its the royal family equation all over again. its not about what they cost its the surrounding business that they bring. oh well too early on a monday morning to be putting my thoughts together. im off

  2. IngridK says:

    I have no idea what a big city fireworks like this cost, but I don’t think you can separate labour from the gunpowder. Fireworks like that are no use without highly experienced crew and expensive set up – so you’d be paying a fixed price for the whole thing. And you’d be paying over the odds for a NYE show as other cities would be competing.

    My birth city – Knoxville – decided it was going to get out of the fireworks Fourth of July pissing contest. Too expensive. Instead they chose another day of the calendar – a fireworks free day generally – Labor Day (first Monday in September) where competition for fireworks firms was zilch. Labor Day became Boomsday and a first class show for a lot less cash. Fabulous.

  3. Good post Paul. As usual, This blog isn’t called honestlyreal for no good reason is it!

    Notice nobody complains about the cost to the Treasury of people’s wild drinking on New Years Eve, not just in London but country-wide. How much did the NHS spend fixing broken noses, cut faces, poisoned stomachs in the hours after midnight chimed on 1.1.11? What was the cost of policing the Wild West that was our city centres during the ‘celebrations’. I imagine it was far more than £1.8m.

    It’s all about priorities, in other words, selfishness.

  4. In Paris, there was no fireworks display and the use of fireworks by individuals was banned (http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2010/12/30/97001-20101230FILWWW00512-les-feux-d-artifices-interdits-a-paris.php).

    And of course, everyone is saying how embarrassing it was that there was nothing happening in Paris to mark the new year, and saying that Paris has been shown up by the big displays in Berlin and London.

  5. Winterthomas says:

    I was lucky enough to spend New Years Eve at a friend’s house in Lambeth. In the late afternoon from the front of the house I could see across to the police station where hundreds of officers were gearing up, grouping around riot vans and receiving final briefings.

    At midnight I woke my son up and watched the amazing and inspiring fireworks from a rear window as they tore the sky open in spectacular fashion.

    Maybe the two views cost the same. Maybe they didn’t. I don’t think it really matters. We need spectacle and positivity more than ever at the moment. I know which view I would rather start a new year with, and which one I would wake my son up for.

    I’m with Oscar Wilde on this one.

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