Search Results for achilles tortoise

Verification: I can’t even

I can’t even – and neither can they… Yes folks, it’s back again! The Queen’s Speech today promises yet another Mumsnet/Mail pleasing crackdown on one-handed websurfing – age verification! Ha, brilliant – so obvious – all we have to do…

Biting the bullet

Shall we just do it? Just build it and get this over with? We have it anyway, don’t we? Just in a distributed and not-very-accountable way. So why not do it properly? The stuff I wrote yesterday about registers is…

Know Me, Know Me Not

A featureless airport departures hall. Behind the check-in desk, a large warrior stands, strip-lighting lending a pale lilac wash to his magnificent plumed helmet. Half-way along the queue is a rather dishevelled Tortoise, surrounded by heavy bags. Achilles (for he’s…

The Nature of the Relationship, part 2

In which we look more deeply into that business of what an online trusted relationship actually means—over and above the mechanics of actually “proving” something about it to a particular degree. New readers will probably want to read an introductory…

The Nature of the Relationship, part 1

This is where the going gets tougher. The previous post here was about the different things we use to bodge our way around the minor inconvenience that you can’t actually prove anything about identity with absolute certainty (and it’s all…

Petitions and democracy

Tortoise: Y’know Achilles, when we were last talking about this identity business we got into all sorts of hot water very quickly in trying to find ways to use a definitive identity to do governmenty things on the Internet. But…